DiSSCo UK Expression of Interest

by Tara Wainwright

2 min read

We are excited to announce that the Expression of Interest (EOI) for DiSSCo UK has been launched. The EOI is for organisations interested in participating in future DiSSCo UK digitisation funding calls and wider activities over the 10-year programme. We’d encourage all organisations with an interest in DiSSCo UK to participate in the EOI.

The EOI is a light touch process that should not require special preparation or research – completion time will depend on which questions are relevant to the submitting organisation but is estimated at 20-40 minutes. Submissions are via Citizen Space, an online survey platform. The survey can be found here. The closing date for submissions is Friday 21st March.

If you have any questions about the EOI questions or process, please direct them to dissco-uk@nhm.ac.uk. If you encounter any difficulty using Citizen Space, please direct your query to infrastructure@ahrc.ukri.org.